Welcome to our Authentic, Inclusive, Compassionate Community of Faith!
First UMC of Cocoa Beach is a place where everyone is welcome. Join us as we connect with God, engage in life-giving community, and serve together to make the world a better place.
When We Gather
Sunday Mornings
9:30 am Contemporary
11:00 am Traditional
11:00 am Traditional
What To Expect
A typical Sunday service lasts about 60 minutes. We encourage people to arrive a little early to get a cup of coffee, meet new people, connect with friends, and center their hearts for worship. Services begin with music and prayer. During this time you can participate according to your comfort level. Then Pastor Mark shares a brief reading from the Bible, gives a practical teaching, and invites everyone to a time of prayer. Holy Communion is offered every Sunday at the 9:30am service and once a month at the 11:00am service. Finally we close with music and proclaim a blessing on everyone before exiting the sanctuary. We encourage you to hang around after service to meet new people and make friends.
What are the Services Like?
Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as an honored guest. While both worship services are inspirational and relaxed, they do have a different feel. The contemporary service is more casual with less tradition and more music led by a band with guitars, keyboards, and drums. Most elements of the service, like lyrics to songs, are projected on large screens. In contrast, the traditional service follows a more formal order of worship and includes hymns accompanied by a piano or organ, as well as traditions like the Lord's Prayer, the Doxology, and the Gloria Patri. We encourage you to choose the service that feels most natural and best helps you connect with God.
What About My Kids?
We believe that kids should have a blast at church every week, and at First UMC we make this a priority. We also prioritize your child's safety. All who work with our children and youth must undergo a background check and receive training in our comprehensive Child and Youth Protection Policy. A nursery is available for infants and toddlers during both services. During the 9:30am service we offer a fun children's program and youth discussion time, and at the 11:00am service children remain in worship with their parents and we provide activity bags.
There is parking on both sides of the church. You can also park in the empty lot on the south side of the building. (We have an agreement with the owner.) Look for the signs that will guide you to the sanctuary. In addition to numerous handicap parking spots, we also have a wheelchair lift connecting the first and second floors of our main building, as well as wheelchair parking in the back of the sanctuary. Large print Bibles and hymnals are available for the visually impaired.
Plan a Visit
We would like to know you are planning to attend one of our services, so we can prepare to receive you with warm hospitality.